
What are the benefits of implementing a Web Push strategy?

18 JAN. 2022
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What are the benefits of implementing a Web Push strategy?

Nowadays, innovation and differentiation are essential to succeed in the market. The main objective of almost all companies is to reach their target audience, so that their message reaches the recipient at the right time. However, getting a high open rate for your campaigns is not easy. In these cases, push notifications will be your best allly.
Here are some of push notification’s main advantages:
1. You will find a new way to communicate effectively with the contacts in your database.
2. Open rates are twice as high as SMS.  Push notification channel has one of the highest open rates in the market. The visibility obtained by advertisers has a direct impact on increasing sales.
3. It offers the possibility to target new user segments in your database.
4. Improve your sales performance by introducing personalised content to sell a specific product with a redirect to the appropriate page.
5. An opportunity to progressively expand the database you have at your fingertips by redirecting users to a landing page.
6. An additional tool to attract new customers and building customer loyalty.
7. Possibility to measure the impact of your actions. The best way is to track the delivery statistics of the messages and the average number of clicks, in order to control the effectiveness of the communications sent.
How we can help you grow your business
At iurny, we want to make it easy for you and we offer services and functionalities adapted to your needs. Our priority is to offer an innovative proposal and create an optimal strategy for your business model.
You will be able to improve your conversion and your brand’s engagement with geolocalised notifications, segmented and with quality images. We have all the keys to stimulate the recipient to visualise the messages and thus activate their desire to click. We want to help you communicate your benefits and everything you have to offer.
iurny’s platform advises you so that you can choose the right time to send your push campaign and achieve a real impact. The most important thing is to adjust the planned screen time to the content and nature of the notification you are going to send. It is also necessary to determine the objectives of each action, the type of text and image that will accompany the message, the style and tone of communication, among other relevant aspects.
Depending on the type of business and audience you have, it will be better to send a message in the morning, afternoon or evening, as well as on weekdays or weekends.
We advise you to always be clear, concise and specific when writing content. You must be able to synthesise your ideas and reach the customer effectively. Also, another thing to keep in mind is that you should be able to convey a sense of urgency, as this can affect the recipient’s need to click on the link.
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Related topics: Marketing Push Notifications